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所凤阅 副教授

姓      名 : 所凤阅
出生年月 :1988-02
籍      贯 : 辽宁省新宾满族自治县
职      称 : 副教授
毕业院校 : 沈阳农业大学
学      位 : 博士
研究领域 : 农药环境归趋及污染修复



所凤阅,女,校聘副教授,农学博士;2010于沈阳农业大学获应用化学专业理学学士学位,2013年于沈阳农业大学农药学专业获农学硕士学位,2018年于沈阳农业大学农药学专业获农学博士学位;2019年至2022年于中国农业科学院烟草研究所从事博士后研究工作,2023年河北农业大学“青年才俊”引进人才;主要从事农药环境归趋、农药污染修复以及生物炭土壤修复等方面的研究,在Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of the Total Environment、Chemosphere、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules等国内外刊物上发表论文10余篇,主持青岛市博士后应用研究项目一项,参与国家重点研发项目一项。


[1] 2019.07-2022.04 青岛市博士后应用研究项目 功能生物炭在滨海盐渍土改良中的应用及机制研究 5万元 结题 主持

[2] 2022.11-2027.10国家重点研发计划 2022YFD1901300 除草障碍生物修复多功能制剂研发 25万元 在研 参与



1. Xiangwei You #, Fengyue Suo #, Shaojing Yin, Xiao Wang, Hao Zheng*, Song Fang, Chengsheng Zhang, Fengmin Li, Yiqiang Li*, 2021. Biochar decreased enantioselective uptake of chiral pesticide metalaxyl by lettuce and shifted bacterial community in agricultural soil. J. Hazard. Mater. 417, 126047. (一区Top,IF=14.224).

2. Fengyue Suo, Xiangwei You *, Shaojing Yin, Haiyun Wu, Chengsheng Zhang, Xueyang Yu,

Ruixue Sun, Yiqiang Li⁎, 2021. Preparation and characterization of biochar derived from co-pyrolysis of Enteromorpha prolifera and corn straw and its potential as a soil amendment. Sci. Total Environ. 798, 149167.  (一区TOP,IF=10.753)

3. Fengyue Suo, Xiangwei You, Yongqiang Ma *, Yiqiang Li *, 2019. Rapid removal of triazine pesticides by P doped biochar and the adsorption mechanism. Chemosphere 235, 918-925. (二区TOP,IF=8.943)

4. Fengyue Suo, Xue Liu, Changsheng Li, Meng Yuan, Bingjie Zhang, Jianli Wang, Yongqiang Ma, Zemin Lai, Mingshan Ji *, 2019. Mesoporous activated carbon from starch for superior rapid pesticides removal. Inter. J. Biol. Macromol. 121, 806–813. (一区TOP,IF:8.025)

5. Shaojing Yin #, Fengyue Suo #, Qingxian Kong, Xiangwei You *, Xin Zhang, Yuan Yuan, Xueyang Yu, Yadong Cheng, Ruixue Sun, Hao Zheng, Chengsheng Zhang, Yiqiang Li *, 2021. Biochar Enhanced Growth and Biological Nitrogen Fixation of Wild Soybean (Glycine max subsp. soja Siebold & Zucc.) in a Coastal Soil of China. 11, 1246. (二区, IF=3.408)

6. Fengyue Suo, Guixian Xie, Jie Zhang, Jingyu Li, Changsheng Li, Xue Liu, Yunpeng Zhang, Yongqiang Ma, MingShan Ji *, 2018. A carbonised sieve-like corn straw cellulose– graphene oxide composite for organophosphorus pesticide removal. RSC advances, 8, 7735-7743(IF:4.036)

7. Shaojing Yin #, Fengyue Suo #, Ying Zheng, Xiangwei You *, Hui Li, Juying Wang, Chengsheng Zhang, Yiqiang Li1, Yadong Cheng *, 2022. Biochar-compost amendment enhanced sorghum growth and yield by improving soil physicochemical properties and shifting soil bacterial community in a coastal soil. Front. Environ. Sci. 10, 1036837. (IF=5.411)

  • 上一篇:安泽秀 副教授
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